CAD = Computer aided design
Logiciel UNISURF 1966 Dassault CATIA 1977 Rhinoceros 1980 Autodesk AutoCAD 1982 Graphisoft Archi CAD 1982 Verctorworks 1985 VariCAD 1988
Reivt 2000
Grasshopper ( plug-in ) 2007
- Parametric Conception
Parametric design is a mode of operation of current computer-aided design software. This is to define an entity by parameters that can be easily changed. In this way, the definition of the part is easily changed.
Parameters can be of several types: intrinsic, Cartesian, situational.
Building Informa on Modeling (BIM) is a digital representationon of physical and functioonal characteristics of a facility. BIM is a process that involves the creation and use of an intelligent 3D model to make be er decisions about a project and communicate.