Team The Garage of Knowledge is composed by:

Jubril AKINSANYA, Yasmine ALAOUI FDILI, Hanul CHO, Charles HERROU, Junghyun LEE, Loïc PICARD, Juary SILVEIRA COSTA – 2017-2018



An important task has been given to us, conceive a school on a haunted place, on a place where a building died years ago ; the school of Vincennes, which was an experimental and ephemeral project opened to everyone. This past located in the middle of a parc well known by the Parisians left us a taste of what can also be a school ; a place of free knowledge sharing that can unfortunately turn into a anarchic space as well.
One of our first question which was so crucial to us was to know the purpose of our school. Our goal is not only to form futur architects working in agencies. For us the only reason you need to have access to knowledges is because you have the will to learn. We are sure that knowledges can be used in many different ways, and it is not our work to limit the students from using it their own ways.
We like to compare the students course with trees ; their cultures, origins, dreams and ambitions are like their roots what they profoundly are. What we want to give them in a first place is a suitcase, their trunk, something solid enough to follow or find their aspirations and to exploit their own potential by growing their branches.
We think that building a school in the bois de Vincennes is a privileged situation but it leads to pay an particular attention to the environnement around. Just like the beaux arts situation which during the time fed and stimulate the presence of the art knowledges in its district ; with galleries, art shops, art co-working spaces or artist living place, etc.
We want our school to be a starting point of something bigger, this is why we did not conceive it only as a place for the students but also as an opened gallery, an agora or as we like to call it a garage of knowledge.